How do you feel when you see that word?
Excited? Because life has become stagnant?
Fear? Due to the unknown that accompanies life shifts?
Resistant? Because change has been thrust upon you?
Maybe your feelings fall somewhere in the middle- you require some sort life shift but do not know how to identify what the “it” is or how to go about changing “it”.
2020 has hit our lives like a tsunami. Change has been thrust upon our world, country, and households. Boundaries like personal health, safety, and job security have threatened some and have been revolutionary for others. How can you deal with it all?
Three options:
• Fight “it” and end up exhausted and the current takes you anyhow.
• Flow with “it” without a plan and see where the current takes you.
• Flow and steer to make the best use of the current and land where you choose.
Easier said than done right? The words sound like a meme. “Just go with the flow” or “Adapt”.
Whether “it” is divorce or changing to a great new job, change is stressful on the body. Whether you fight the flow while you row or row all the way, you still need to be in shape, eventually you will grow weary, and if you row for too long, your body will give out. Our bodies are meant to respond to stress be it physical, mental, or spiritual in our evolutionary flight or fight short term way. Even the hardest physical challenges are meant to be short term – not years long.
Stress that lasts 2-3 years creates physical ramifications. You may find you are developing low grade infections, viruses, lethargy, weight gain, stomach pains, headaches, aches and pains. These are the first signs of your body signaling you need help with stress. Unaddressed life stress will result in more severe results and the development of disease or DIS-EASE. The state of DIS -EASE is the result of mental, physical and spiritual issues left unaddressed for many years.
You have a 50% greater potential at requiring medical intervention after 2 years of uninterrupted stress.
There is a 75% chance after three years in a constant state of stress. And while you cannot avoid stress in life, how you handle the “it” causing your strife makes all the difference.
Give your mind, body, and spirit a daily vacation.
• Take an imagination vacation to your favorite place.
• Breathe until your body becomes calm and peaceful.
• Develop an empowering plan for your circumstances.
• Wake up each day after a full night’s sleep feeling enthusiastic about taking on challenges.
• Feel your body purr along steadily no matter how fast the day flows or what activities you experience.
Everything above is what your own daily self- hypnotherapy routine can do for you.
Discover your own resources to enable calm and ease to flow through your body.
To learn more about keeping your mind, body, and spirit at ease in a world full of change, fill out the e-mail on the home page.
You will receive additional information to help you identify whether you would benefit from hypnotherapy and receive holistic suggestions you can do from the comfort of your own home to stay balanced no matter where the current takes you.
“Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life” By: Spencer Johnson