By Kimberly Simon
17 Oct, 2020
The best way to achieve world change is to achieve it in your own life first. Imagine sense and feel that you are king or queen of your castle and kingdom. What is it like right now? How would your perfect kingdom look? Create the atmosphere of your kingdom this season by deciding the rules and values that you will live. What is the one attribute that you need to create your envisioned world? When you were young, did you have posters of singers, actors, or super-heroes? As you got older, you idolized the older kids, the “cool crowd”, great athletes or peers with the greatest clothes or look. When you began seeking your place in the world, you admired people that did well financially, academically, or professionally. Eventually you chose the people who would provide you with the relationship, children, family, and friend set that you thought was ideal. Earlier or later most of you eventually decided that you needed something greater to emulate and turned to religion. The God entity you aspire to is a version of perfection. Inevitably this perfection is impossible to emulate, you fall short and decide to settle for being human and just worship it instead. I propose that this season you become a kid again and choose a role model. Instead of trying to emulate a whole being or person, choose just one attribute. 1. What do you need to acquire as a super-power attribute or ability this holiday season? 2. What or why will you need or apply it? Here is a list of options to get you thinking… • Patience when others lose their own • Tolerance for other’s beliefs • Perseverance for workload of cooking, shopping, cleaning, decorating, visiting • Ability to create boundaries and stay by them when your own personal emotional, mental health is at risk. • Ability to harness you animal instincts and addictions • Ability to harness your ever-increasing need for more • Ability to create abundance for your family or provide food on the table • To bring love in your heart for your yourself or fellow human. • To accept the things you cannot change, change yourself, or let it go • Strength to not give up your own integrity in the face of adversity • Ability to only participate in conversation that builds people up or inspires. • The ability to make people laugh or bring joy into a room. • To bring comfort to those with less or are grieving this season. 3. Now, create the rules and foundation for your kingdom to help achieve your attribute. What citizens can live in your kingdom? Who will you invite into your kingdom? If you only invite people reflective of who you are right now, you will remain stagnate. Invite those that will challenge, inspire, motivate, and teach you. Surround yourself with people who reflect the way you want be, energies are contagious. Surround yourself with people who have the habits you want to have, and you will become more like them. You are as good as the people who you surround yourself with - let go of those that hold you back. 4. Now choose one person to be your role model. Seek people with traits you aspire to- not things you aspire to. Wealth is fine , but wealth does not define character, it only defines how nice their couch is. How did they get that nice couch? Search past the surface and material side of people and investigate their values. How do you determine someone’s values? By not only what they say, but does how they live reflect their beliefs? Some people are excellent word smiths. They are rich in saying the right words, but they do not practice what they preach. Be careful determining values by labels, titles, or looks…dig deeper…read what they have said. Have they stayed true to their beliefs for a long span of time or are they one hit wonders? You want to find someone that shows a trait over a long span of time because people can look like they hold a value for a photo. Those that really hold a value, hold it whether things are good or bad, high or low, or thick or thin. An attribute expert should be consistent in their trait. Is it alright to use spiritual or religious icons, deities, or gurus? Yes! As long as you are not trying to model the full perfection of their being. Focus on one attribute. 5. Next…Practice using the attributes in your mind using your original reason for choosing it. Imagine, sense and feel yourself embodying those attributes while playing out scenarios in your mind. 6. Finally, more and more infuse your attribute in everyday challenges. Fake it until you make it. The second you decide to work on an aspect of your being the universe sends lessons , opportunities, or challenges to give you a chance to try your new skills. Sometimes you will fail- that is okay! You will succeed more times than if you had never attempted at all. Additionally, you have made your kingdom a better place for doing so. When you have made your own little neck of the woods a better place, you have improved the world for the better. Here are some questions to help you create your holiday kingdom atmosphere… What attribute do you most need for this season? What are the situations, reason, or challenge, you will apply your attribute to? Is there anyone in your kingdom that is limiting or hindering your attempt to acquire that attribute? Can you limit your interactions with this person in anyway or create an emotional boundary decision to not allow this person to interfere with your attribute plans? Who can you invite into your kingdom to surround yourself with those attributes? Consider: books, video’s, images, and virtual items that reflect the attribute if people aren’t available. Choose a role model. Is there anyone in your current kingdom that holds the attributes that you desire that you can emulate? If there is not, is there any live, dead, or spiritual resource in the form of animal, angel, historic figure, guru, guide that you can think of that has this attribute? Create an “I am” statement for yourself to say as a mantra when you need to remind yourself that you have this attribute. Example: I am abundant, I am patient, I am compassionate, I am __________________ Imagine, sense, and feel a scene or situation that most challenges this attribute and practice seeing yourself navigate the situation successfully. Notice how you feel when you have done so successfully. I feel __________________ Add this to the affirmation’s you use when your holiday challenges arise.