...purchase a custom audio as a gift for a loved one who needs reassuring images & affirmations for their life challenge.
It is our bodies natural duty to inform us through pain that our body requires protection form something endangering our bodies or mind. After being diagnosed, hypnotherapy is a great addition to add to your health team. It is not a cure for dis- ease of the body or mind. Hypnotherapy provides the right conditions to support you and your health professional team to achieve the best results.
Fear leads to tension, Tension leads to pain. By stopping fear and tension in its cycle…PAIN IS REDUCED…This is done by….Triggering parasympathetic response in order to create new pathways and patterns for the brain to think and respond to pain.
In a parasympathetic response your body is in the "Rest & Digest" Mode. In this state, your body feels safe enough to eat, procreate, and think. The heartbeat slows and your body is in the optimum relaxed environment to heal. Natural endorphins are released that reduce pain.
In today's stressful world, in a normal day, we spend almost a third of the time in the sympathetic "Fight or Flight" Mode. Those fighting illness can be in this state for the majority of the day and night. Our bodies are only meant to spend a few moments at a time in this state to help in emergency. Blood is redirected to our limbs so we can run for our lives and reproduction, digestion and all other bodily functions are sidelined till we can get to safety.
Hypnotherapy sessions, home practice and audio are meant to keep you in a relaxed state for most of your day and night to optimized your bodies environment to heal. While your body is relaxed new thought directions are introduced, distraction is created, natural endorphins flow that don’t interfere with medication and new pain dilution techniques can be employed.
• Cost reduction
• Procedural pain reduction
• Shortened recovery time
• Reduction in complications
• All around outcomes improved
• Improved Quality of Life
What starts in a session, turns into a therapeutic hypnotic audio journey. It's simple to use from your phone, and brings a world of peace to medical procedures and to enable carrying a healing listening experience where ever you go.
How does it work? Guided Imagery...
Guided imagery uses the sensory & feeling aspects of the subconscious mind to influence your body. Unharnessed negative thoughts in large daily doses alter your health for the worse. Learning to direct and control the images in mind, can help the body heal.
When your relaxation response has been triggered by carefully constructed scripts, then the imagination can we inspired to create physical, emotional and spiritual well- being.
Would you enjoy a recorded chanting routine that can support your healing for whole body systems or a specific injury? Monthly virtual groups of like minded individuals gather to support one another's goals. If you've missed a session, you can create a personal session for your own group of friends or purchase an audio to do on your own.
...purchase a custom audio as a gift for a loved one who needs reassuring images & affirmations for their life challenge.
See the Cancer Support Audio in the Wellness Audio section of the store...
Gift Box and gift card with your
custom message hold the
Logo Memory Stick that can be mailed to the recipient.